Happy Easter

Today is the Maundy Thursday and the week just flew by. The Swedish Easter is nice because we are off both on Good Friday and Easter Monday. For once, I’ll be completely off too. No football/soccer,  no work, the kids are with grandma in Spain. Just me, my wifd, the dogs and the garden. The…

A small setback for spring

This weekend offered a fantastic sunshine which melted away most of the ice and snow which seemed to have planned to stay forever  I even got a chance to wash both cars. This morning I woke up back in the winter. Freezing cold temperature and snow again. The forecast says it is going to be…

Signs of spring

In response (?) to me blogging about the winter who is refusing to go away, the weather gods decided to make yesterday a rather decent day. The ice started to melt away in many places, the kids did football practice in their track suits instead of winter coats and in general it was a pretty…

Winter winter winter

This winter is getting on my nerves. It just never ends! Since the beginning of March, both my teams have had their soccer practices scheduled outdoors, but our main field is just a solid block of ice with snow on top. This coming Saturday we’re playing the first outdoors tournament of the season. Even if…

Time for a blog again?

I been thinking, and it feels like it is a good time to setup my blog again. Partly because it is an election year over here, and that usually spawns a lot of interesting topics, but also because every now and then I feel I want to write something outside Facebook. I have no big…